Collection Spotlight - March 2022

We are adding new material to our collection all of the time. If there is something that you would like to see that you can't find, let us know by phone or email. 

The following new titles and editions are on the shelf and available to borrow now.

Notable new titles

No Legal Way Out: R v Ryan, domestic abuse, and the Defence of Duress 

Nadia Verrelli and Lori Chambers

No Legal Way Out details the judicial process, media coverage, and legal implications of R v Ryan, a landmark case in Canadian law.

Find it on the shelf at: KN15.6.V47 2021


Daniels v Canada: In and Beyond the Courts 

Natalie Kermoal and Chris Anderson

Bringing together scholars and practitioners from a wide array of professional contexts, this volume demonstrates the power of Supreme Court of Canada cases to directly and indirectly shape our conversations about and conceptions of what Indigeneity is, what its boundaries are, and what Canadians believe Indigenous peoples are “owed.”

Find it on the shelf at: KM208.I5K47 2021


Charitable Giving in Canada 

Maria Elena Hoffstein

Charitable Giving in Canada, Second Edition provides a comprehensive, practical tool to assist professional advisors, charities, corporations, and individuals who wish to engage in philanthropy in Canada.

Find it on the shelf at: KN215.H64 2021


Freedom and Indigenous Constitutionalism 

John Borrows

Freedom and Indigenous Constitutionalism celebrates the emancipatory potential of Indigenous traditions, considers their value as the basis for good laws and good lives, and critiques the failure of Canadian constitutional traditions to recognize their significance.

Find it on the shelf at: KM208.I5B675 2016


Democracy and Rule of Law in China’s Shadow

Brian Christopher Jones

This book provides detailed insight into some of the most contentious events occurring in jurisdictions operating within China's vast shadow.

Find it on the shelf at: KM34.J66 2021