Collection Spotlight - May 2022

We are adding new material to our collection all of the time. If there is something that you would like to see that you can't find, let us know by phone or email. 

The following new titles and editions are on the shelf and available to borrow now.

Notable new titles

Handling Summary Conviction Offences - 2022

Rick Libman and Daniel Libman

Handling Summary Conviction Offences 2022 Edition is a comprehensive guide to the defence and prosecution of summary conviction offence cases. It includes elements of summary conviction offences and incorporates applicable recent case law.

Find it on the shelf at: KM588.L53 2022

Cannabis Law – 2021

Bruce MacFarlane, Robert Frater and Croft Michaelson

A practical guide to all aspects of the Cannabis Act and regulations, and the complementary provincial laws and regulations. It covers a wide variety of legal issues, including criminal law, commercial law, and workplace and human rights-related issues.

Find it on the shelf at: KN186.41.M33 2021

Wadlow on the Law of Passing-Off Law – 2021

Christopher Wadlow

The authority on the law of passing-off, adopting a comprehensive approach that explains all the key issues surrounding the ‘Classic Trinity’ of goodwill, damage, and misrepresentation.

Find it on the shelf at: KN116.2.W32 2021

Autonomous Vehicles: Self-Driving Cars and the Law in Canada – 2021

Nathan Baker

With the transition to, and ongoing evolution of, autonomous vehicles, the law will have to be modified accordingly. A new area of law will be needed, and with it, an assessment of how the current law can be adapted. Autonomous Vehicles: Self-Driving Cars and the Law of Canada will serve as a ready resource as courts and litigants begin the journey down this new road.

Find it on the shelf at: KN323.14.N38 2021