Collection Spotlight - February 2022

We are adding new material to our collection all of the time. If there is something that you would like to see that you can't find, let us know by phone or email. 

The following new titles and editions are on the shelf and available to borrow now.

Notable new titles

Canadian Food and Drug Legislation & Commentary

Eds. Alexandra M. Nicol, Lydia Wakulowsky, David Wood

This unique compilation includes the most up-to-date Food and Drugs Act, the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, the Safe Food for Canadians Act and related federal statutes and regulations. A detailed index further simplifies your research while the commentary explains the legal framework and recent developments.

Find it on the shelf at: KN185.2.A111C36 2021

Canadian Animal Law

V. Victoria Shroff

This book provides commentary and analysis of the main issues in animal law, with a focus on how it intersects with more mainstream practice areas, including family law, criminal law, wills and estates, environmental law and professional liability.

Find it on the shelf at: KN84.3.S37 2021

Making the Case: 2SLGBTQ+ Rights and Religion in Schools

By Donn Short, Bruce MacDougall, Paul T. Clarke

Making the Case shows how Canadian law responds to what are known as “competing human rights claims,” when conflict arises between people asserting sexual minority rights and those asserting religious rights.

Find it on the shelf at: KN184.2.S46 2021

Waters’ Law of Trusts in Canada – 5th Edition

By Donavan Waters, Lionel Smith, Mark Gillen

Examines the history and contemporary state of the law of trusts in every jurisdiction of Canada, including the nature of trusts under common law and civil law, and some international jurisdictions where Canadian trust law is increasingly sought.

Find it on the shelf at: KN210.W384 2021

Misrepresentation and (Dis)Honest Performance in Contracts – 2nd Edition

By Bruce MacDougall

Examines the role of the doctrine of misrepresentation in Canada today, both at common law and through the statutes of Canadian common law jurisdictions.

Find it on the shelf at: KN15.4.M32 2021

Notable new editions

Canadian Patent Law – 4th Edition

By Stephen J. Perry, T. Andrew Currier

Find it on the shelf at: KN114.1.P477 2021

Canadian Administrative Law – 3rd Edition

By Guy Régimbald

Find it on the shelf at: KM320.R43 2021

The Art of the Real Estate Deal – 4th Edition

By Barry D. Lipson

Find it on the shelf at: KN70.L56 2021